Group accommodation
and booking

TOC Barcelona

If you are travelling with a group of over 20 people, TOCHostels is your place! Accommodation and booking for groups of friends, students of the same school or university, musicians or athletes ... then select your destination in our form and mention any doubt you have: our hostel team will reply as soon as possible with an offer that best meets your needs.

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Book for your group

Less than 20 people?*Use our quick booking system *In Seville, we consider it's a group if you are over 10 people

    Reservation information

    Contact information

    General information about the service provider:

    For the purposes of Regulation 34/2002 of 11 July on Information Society and E-commerce Services, (hereinafter the LSSICE), the user (hereinafter the USER) accessing to this website with the domain name “” (hereinafter the WEB) is informed about the following SERVICE PROVIDER GENERAL INFORMATION:

    Corporate name: TOC GESTION HOTELERA SL
    • Address: Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 580, 08011 Barcelona. (Spain)
    • C.I.F.: Number. B-66.576.240
    • Phone number: 933 28 28 58
    • E-mail:

    Likewise, TOC HOSTELS informs to the USER about the following terms and conditions:

    1. General website conditions of use

    In general, all contents, commercial activities and services provided throughout the WEB are subject to Terms and Conditions provided by this “Legal notice/Data protection” (hereinafter the NOTICE) and fulfil the current Spanish regulation, specially the previously mentioned LSSICE and the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter the RGPD).

    Consequently, simply browsing and using of the WEB implies an attribution of the condition of USER and the acceptance without reservation whatsoever of all the terms and conditions of use compiled in this NOTICE at the very first moment of access to the WEB.

    Accessing the WEB, as well as requesting any type of information is totally free of charge.

    2. Privacy Policy

    TOC HOSTELS obtains personal data through the WEB for accommodation and booking periods. However, this information is not saved in its servers but is communicated to the company in charge of the booking engine INTEDOCS SOLUCIONES DIGITALES, SL, with CIF B64554629, and to the payment platform contracted to the company PAYNOPAIN SOLUTIONS, SL, with CIF B-12871216, in order to process the booking. The appropriate contracts of data processing management have been signed with these companies. Simultaneously, your information will be sent to the establishment in which the booking has been made, to be able to provide the hosting services in the three Hostels of the group. Therefore, if your booking concerns an accommodation in Barcelona, your data will be communicated to MAURO GRAN VIA, SL., with CIF B-66224668, if your booking concerns an accommodation in Madrid your data will be communicated to MAURO CELENQUE, SL, with CIF B-66224643, and your data will be communicated to Sevilla your data will be communicated to MAURO SEVILLA SL, with CIF B86387826.

    TOC HOSTELS obtains personal data through the contact section of the WEB. This information will be only processed to be able to answer your requests or queries. Your personal data will not be ceased under no circumstances.

    In addition, for those people interested in the job offers published on the WEB, we inform them that, for the purpose of the RGDP, the data provided to TOC HOSTELS (through curriculum vitae, psychotechnical and/or ability tests) with the aim of participating in a selection process, will proceed to be part of the information systems under the responsibility of the aforementioned company.

    The purpose of this database processing is the management and development of the Candidates List of TOC HOSTELS and the selection processes carried out by the aforementioned company for its customers.

    If you participate giving your opinion in our Blog, your data will be collected and treated with the only aim of managing and publishing the comments that you have sent us.

    In accordance with the current regulation on Data Protection, namely the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, personal data provided to TOC GESTION HOTELERA, S.L. through the present website will proceed to be part of its information systems, which fulfil the security measures required to guarantee confidentiality, integrity, security and information retrieval.

    You have the right to get confirmation on whether we are treating your personal data, accordingly, you have the right to access your personal data (Right of Access), you have the right to amend inexact data (Right of Correction) or to request their removal if the data are not necessary anymore (Right of Erasure), you have the right to oppose or limit data treatment (Right to oppose), as well as you have the right to retrieve your data, if that is the case. All this in agreement with the procedure indicated in the articles 15 to 23 of the Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, by writing a letter to our access address in Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes nº580, 08011 Barcelona, or sending a mail to our email

    To protect the privacy of the USERS, it is prohibited to send any data related to his ideology, religion, beliefs, origin, health and sexual life.

    The USER can exert his rights of access, amendment, deletion and opposition, as described in the current law, by writing a letter addressed to the registered office of TOC HOSTELS at Gran Via de les Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes nº580, 08011 Barcelona, or by sending a mail to our email

    3. Commercial emails policy

    In accordance with the LSSICE, TOC HOSTELS does not make any spam, therefore it does not send any commercial emails previously accepted or required by the USER.

    However, such authorisation may be withdrawn by the USER at any moment through a written communication addressed to TOC HOSTEL’S registered offices or to the email listed in the General Information of this NOTICE.

    At the same time, in agreement with the LSSICE any simultaneously TOC HOSTEL’S client and USER is informed that their personal data can be used to send them commercial emails without previous consent as long as they deal with products and services that were initially part of the contract. Nonetheless, at any moment the USER/client may oppose to the mentioned commercial email sending through the same method mentioned in the former paragraph.

    4. Links and cookies

    We inform you that when you connect to our Webpage, the computer hosting this page automatically recognizes the IP address of your computer, the day and time at which you entered, left, and the sites of the webpage you have been browsing. This is necessary for our computer to know the data from your computer, so that it can communicate with it to send you what you requested through your browser and can see it on your screen. Neither our computer nor ourselves can be in possession of your personal data of you did not give them to us yourself.

    Cookies are small files that some platforms, such as webpages, can install on your computer. Their function can be very diverse: store your browsing preferences, collect statistical information, allow some technical functionalities, etc. On occasions, cookies are used to store basic information about the browsing habits of the users or of his equipment, up to the point, depending on the cases, of being able to recognize him or it.

    There are different types of cookies

    FIRST-PARTY COOKIES. Those who are sent to the computer terminal of a user from a computer or a domain handled by the own publisher and from which the service requested by the user is offered.

    THIRD-PARTY COOKIES. Those are sent to the computer terminal of a user from a computer or a domain that is not handled by the publisher, but by another entity who treats the data obtains through cookies.

    Some cookies on the webpage are essential and without them the webpage will not work correctly. These cookies are configured to run when a form is sent, a user signs in or interacts with the webpage.

    We use analytic cookies which enable us to track the information on the visits to the webpage anonymously, and thus help to improve the experience in the webpage. They allow us to quantify the origin of the visit, the pages views, the options selected, and the browsing path. The use of these data enables us to improve the webpage. If you don not agree with it, you can remove these cookies but some functionalities of the website could become unavailable.

    Our web uses “cookies” to improve the service offered. These “cookies” are installed automatically but they do not contain any information about you; they exclusively contain technical information that allows a better communication with our computer. In this case, this information will be processed only as a whole and statistically.

    In any case, the use of cookies is necessary on TOC HOSTELS web to record the user session. If these cookies are not active, accessing to your account won’t be possible.

    The cookies we use are necessary for our service delivery, for this reason their deactivation prevents using the web at its full capacity and functionality substantially hampering the web browsing. In case cookies are blocked we don’t guarantee service delivery to the users.

    We also use Flash Cookies. These cookies speed up and simplify the access to pages through repetitive visits using Flash technology. If you delete these cookies you will need to add up information again each time you visit the same page.


    You can exercise your right of deactivation or deletion of cookies from this website at any time. These actions are carried out differently depending on the browser you are using. We provide you with a brief guide for the most popular browsers.

    Additional notes:

    • Neither this web nor its legal representatives are responsible for the content nor the veracity of privacy policies that can belong to some of the third-party representatives mentioned in this cookies policy.
    • Web browser are the tools in charge of storing cookies and you have to exercise your right of deletion or deactivation from there. Neither this web nor its legal representatives can guarantee the correct or incorrect manipulation of cookies in the mentioned browsers.
    • In some cases, it is necessary to install cookies for the browser to remember the refusal of cookies.
    • Regarding cookies from Google Analytics, this company stores the cookies in servers located in the United States and is committed to not share them with third-parties, except if it is necessary for the system to run or if the law forces to do so. Google ensures that they do not keep your IP Address. Google Inc. is a company adhering to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles Agreement which guarantee that all transferred data will be processed with security levels in accordance with the European regulation. Detailed information about the aforementioned can be found following this link. For information regarding how Google uses cookies, follow this other link.
    • For any doubt or question regarding this cookies policy please contact us through the contact options or contact page.

    Last update 28th of June 2018

    Le informamos que los datos de carácter personal que nos ha facilitado para realizar su reservar pasarán a incorporarse a los sistemas de información de TOC GESTION HOTELERA, SL, quién da cumplimiento a las medidas de seguridad requeridas para garantizar la confidencialidad, seguridad, integridad y recuperación de los datos.

    De conformidad con la normativa vigente en Protección de datos, en concreto, del Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016, relativo a la protección de datos, esta información se utilizará, únicamente, para gestionar su reservar y atender la estancia solicitada en nuestro hotel.

    Estos datos se mantendrán durante el tiempo que dure la relación comercial y, una vez finalizada ésta, durante los plazos legales previstos. Se comunicarán a los organismos públicos que así lo exijan, así como a los encargados de tratamiento que nos ofrecen servicios esenciales para que le podamos prestar nuestros servicios, tales como motor de reservas, hosting de servidores, soporte informático, asesoramiento y gestión contable.

    La base jurídica para este tratamiento es, por tanto, el consentimiento que nos presta a través de la aceptación del Aviso Legal y la Política de privacidad de nuestra web.

    Usted en cualquier momento, tendrá derecho a obtener confirmación sobre si estamos tratando sus datos personales, por tanto, tiene Derecho a acceder a sus datos personales, tiene derecho a rectificar los datos inexactos o solicitar su supresión cuando los datos ya no sean necesarios, tiene derecho a ejercitar su oposición al tratamiento de datos, a ejercitar la limitación al tratamiento, tendrá derecho a la portabilidad de sus datos, de ser el caso, así como derecho a no ser objeto de decisiones individualizadas automatizadas, incluida la elaboración de perfiles. Todo ello mediante escrito dirigido a nuestra dirección de acceso en Gran Vía de les Corts Catalanes nº580, 08011 de Barcelona o bien a través del correo electrónico

    To get a quote, please fill in the contact form of the corresponding Hostel.

    100% prepayment before arrival.

    A deposit will be requested on arrival at the Hostel. This deposit will be returned upon check-out.

    The cancellation policy is set by each Hostel and for the season in which the group reservation is made.

    The benefits of booking with TOCHostels:

    • Dedicated booking agent

    • Special rates

    • Breakfast included

    • Exclusive rooms allocated to the group only

    • Express check-in

    • Free cloakroom service after check-out

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